Qinling Mountain village/birding trek
My husband and I wanted to visit a specific, remote region of the Qinling Mountains, hiking, birding and exploring traditional villages. We contacted Absolute Panda and received an immediate, enthusiastic response from Philip, our guide and the founder of the company. Right away, he asked several questions about our priorities and our abilities, and promised to cater a trip within our budget. Over the course of several months, he was in touch often, updating us on his research of the area, asking questions about preferences, and alerting us to possible inconveniences along the way (such as there being no toilet facilities, permit restrictions, etc.). It was very clear that he wanted this trip to be the best for us that it could be.
And it was! From the moment we arrived at the airport, Philip was so enthusiastic and knowledgeable. He scouted the area before we arrived and established relationships with villagers that made all the difference. For a week, he showed us a region that few foreigners have seen and was so attuned to our experience, that he made several adjustments without us even having to ask. In this way, within a day, he was able to perceive the balance of hiking and birding that we preferred. He was also very cautious as a baseline, but willing to be adventurous when we wanted to be. He dealt easily and effectively with the inevitable quarrelsome officials, and was a tireless, wonderful translator as we weaved our way from village to village, asking questions and sharing meals with villagers.
What really makes Philip and Absolute Panda stand apart from other great tour services, is their perception of travelers’ needs and flexibility. Philip could tell from early on that my husband and I were very adventurous and willing to stray from the detailed itinerary he had sent beforehand if unique opportunities arose. In this way, he suggested small alterations, such as a visit to a local sorghum vinegar factory and an evening making dumplings with a village family, that proved to be highlights of the trip. And I know that if we were the type of people who wanted to stick strictly with the itinerary, he would have done so, happily.
Philip certainly knows his birds, and moves so easily between the roles of birding expert, hiking guide, translator and trip manager. He was an equally wonderful guide to the city, showing us X’ian for a day and even treating us to a blind massage in the Muslim Quarter after days of roughing it in the mountains. All the staff he hired along the way (drivers, hosts, local guides) were competent, lovely people, all of whom we remember fondly. Four months after our trip, we still miss Philip, as a guide and friend, and are hoping to take another trip with him soon. We know that wherever we choose, he’ll make it fantastic.
February 3, 2013
夫と私は秦嶺山脈の人里離れた場所にハイキングやバードウォッチング、伝統的な村へ探訪に行きたいと思っていました。私たちはAbsolute Pandaに連絡を取り、すぐにガイドと会社の創設者であるPhilipさんから積極的に対応してもらいました。私たちの要望する優先事項について、聞いてくれて、予算内のツアーを手配することを承諾しました。数ヶ月に渡って、彼は常に私たちに連絡してきて、その地域の最新の調査について教えてくれたり、私たちの好みを聞いてくれたり、途中で遭遇可能の不便なこと(例:トイレがない、許可の制限など)をリマインドしてくれたりしました。私たちに最高の旅行を企画してくれるのを望んでいることは明らかでした。
PhilipさんとAbsolute Pandaとほかの旅行会社に区別したのは素晴らしいツアーサービスを提供し、そして旅行者のニーズによって柔軟性を持っていることです。Philipさんは最初から、私と夫が冒険好きで、機会があればいつでも彼の事前に決められた旅程から逸脱したいと思っていることがわかりました。事前に送った詳細な旅程表から外れることも厭わないことを、早い段階から伝えることができました。例えば、地元のソルガム酢工場を訪問したり、村の家族と一緒に餃子を作ったりして、旅のハイライトとなるような小さな変更を提案してくれました。もし、私たちが厳格な旅程にこだわるような人間であれば、喜んでそうしてくれるに決まっていることがわかっています。
