"What an amazing experience!"
We just returned from a trip to China. Our time with Absolute Panda was the highlight of our trip!
We were nervous about finding a company online, and paying for services out of the country. Absolute Panda was completely honest with us. They only required a small deposit beforehand. We paid the rest when we arrived. They were affordable.
We had pretty specific interests. The staff at Absolute Panda helped us through the planning process. They created something perfect for our family! They spent months offering free advice, suggestions, and help. They were flexible with the itinerary.
Once in the country, we were treated well. They asked for and supported dietary requests. We got to try a great variety of healthy and delicious food. We had as much bottled water and snacks as we liked. All meals were included in the price. We received small gifts. The company owner checked in, to make sure we were doing ok. We felt like royalty!
We stayed at beautiful, and clean accommodations, “off the beaten path.” We went to small mountain towns. They were gorgeous.
Our guide, Bella, was exceptional! She was kind, friendly, interesting, reliable, and lots of fun. She spoke very good English. She had an extensive knowledge of local wildlife, as well as history, culture, and everything else we asked.
Bella was able to identify any bird or creature she saw, by Chinese and English name. She has great eyes. She could spot wildlife in the distance, that were hard to see even with binoculars. She took us on hikes that matched our skill levels. We saw wild monkeys, gorals, muntjacs, and tons of beautiful birds. We were in highly competent hands.
While we were in China, Sichuan had (unprecedented) heavy rains. Some roads were closed, due to mudslides and flooding. Despite this, we were able to travel the areas we wished. Absolute Panda kept a close eye on conditions. They changed the travel plan/method multiple times, so we could be safe. They got us there still. The drivers were amazing, and I felt comfortable.
We changed our own plans in China. This was due to unexpected medical issues we had there. Absolute Panda worked with us, even with last minute adjustments. They were supportive, helpful, and flexible. They made sure each member of our family was well cared for. Our safety and well-being mattered to them.
I can’t recommend Absolute Panda highly enough! They gave us the trip of a lifetime!
私たちは中国への旅行から戻ってきたばかりです。Absolute Pandaと過ごした時間は旅行のハイライトでした!
オンラインで見つけた会社と海外企業への手数料の支払いを心配しました。Absolute Pandaはとても誠実に対応してくれました。出発前に少数の前金を払って、到着した後、残りの部分を全部支払いました。手頃な価格です。
私たちはかなり特定の興味を持っています。Absolute Pandaのスタッフは、計画を立てる全過程で親切に対応してくれました。彼らは何ヶ月もかけて無料でアドバイスとヘルプを提供し、スケジュールについても柔軟に対応してくれました。
私たちが中国にいる間、四川省では(前代未聞の)大雨が降りました。土石流や洪水が発生する恐れがあるため、いくつかの道路が閉鎖されたにもかかわらず、私たちは計画どおりに旅を進めることができました。Absolute Pandaは常に最新情報を心がけました。私たちの安全を確保するために、旅行計画を何回も変更しました。運転手さんも素晴らしくて、安心感をもたらしました。
中国で予想外の医療問題に遭遇したから、計画を変更させられました。Absolute Pandaは最後の調整まで、一緒に頑張りました。彼らは支持的で、役に立ち、そして柔軟に対応してくれました。家族全員の面倒を見てくれました。私たちの安全が重視されて感謝します。
Absolute Pandaを強くおすすめします。 人生の素晴らしい旅を体験させてありがとう!
